
Friday, January 25, 2019

Fri 1/25 - Geometry Texture Overlay

One requirement for the project is each poster should include a texture overlay to give the design's a 'tangible' quality.

1.) Grab a texture file that is a large image from a sites like

Texture should be subtle - edit the photo in Photoshop first if you need to! 

2.) In Illustrator, bring in the texture on its own layer. Make sure the texture layer is on TOP of all other layers. 

3.) Change that layer's blending mode to Multiply or Overlay. (Click on Opacity to find blending modes.) Play with decreasing the opacity for a subtle effect.

4.) Lock the texture layer so that you can continue to edit the layers underneath.

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Wed 1/23 - Geometry Workdays...

Check out yesterday's post for instructions on Geometric Design.
  • Work on 18x24"
  • Use the Grid
  • PLAY - don't just throw some shapes on Illustrator and ask if you're done!

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Tue 1/22 - Geometry Design Start

Geometric Designs

Check out to get some inspiration, then follow in class as we learn/review some tools:
  • Show/Hide Grid
  • Snap to Grid
  • AltDrag+Shift
  • Scale with Alt
  • Pathfinder Review
  • Effect > Distort & Transform > Transform
Begin playing in Illustrator. End goal will be 3 different designs utilizing unique color schemes:
  • Split complementary
  • Analogous
  • Monochromatic
Final designs must be 18x24, use the grid in some way, utilize perfect geometry, and contain texture overlays. 

Check out this page to see Tilman's process. Note how much he plays and experiments before coming to final ideas! 

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Wed 1/16 - Post Prom Ticket Design

Next assignment due this Friday: Post-Prom Ticket Design

Out of all submissions, a winner will be voted on and the designer will win a free ticket to Post Prom.


Prom Theme: Candyland
Date: Saturday May 11th-Sunday May 12th
Odyssey Chicago (Cruise)
3.5x5" (300ppi if working in Photoshop)
Able to alter design size/layout.

What else should the design contain? Consider imagery & text. Look for inspiration!

Monday, January 14, 2019

Mon 1/14 - More Layer Masking

Let's play a bit more with layer masking so that we're comfortable.

One Technique, Two Images Due TODAY: 
-1 using an image from the web
-1 using your own image and experimenting with the technique

Layer Masking with Text

1.) Create a new document at 'Instagram' Size (1080x1080px, 72ppi)

2.) Bring in a high-res photo. (One of your own photos.)

3.) On another layer, type out any text. (Large, bold fonts works best. Try to maximize the area. Ensure text is ALIGNED for professionalism.)

4.) Once your text is set, Hide your text layer.

5.) Command+Click on your text layer's thumbnail to make the selection.

6.) With selection made, create a layer mask on your photo layer.

7.) Transform (Cmd+T) any layers to fill your document.

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

1/9 - Spotify Posters & Layer Masking

Turn in your '1 Thing I Learned' as .PNGs to the folder on Drive! 

Next up: Spotify Posters. Check out the folder on Google Drive.

In class, we're going over:

(Click on each one for a tutorial if you forget!)

Monday, January 7, 2019

Tue 1/8/19 - Welcome Back

Welcome back designers! This semester is going to be a bit different - you'll have a lot more independence with your work, so this website is going to be more important than last semester.

For your first assignment...

What I Learned in GD1 Is...

  • Pick one RULE of Graphic Design you learned first semester (less is more, color schemes, the pen tool, good typography...)
  • Make a graphic communicating that rule! 
  • The graphic should include text explaining the rule, as well as visually communicate the rule.
  • Design to be Mobile or Tablet Size
  • Original or royalty free imagery
  • Upload as a .png to the new folder on Google Drive.
  • Posters are due beginning of class on Wednesday!