
Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Wed 2/27 - 25 Progress

Shoot to have a total of 12-15 designs done by the end of the week.

Each design should be its own 2"x2" file.

If you're designing in Photoshop, it should be 300ppi (resolution).

Friday, February 22, 2019

Fri 2/22 - 25 Things...

After finishing the Romeo & Juliet Critique, it's time to think about our next project... 25 Designs. 

This project is meant to push you as a designer both technically and mentally.

Pick ONE word and come up with 25 DIFFERENT designs representing that word.


Where to start? Pick a word, get it approved by me, then Idea Generation.

Open an Illustrator document or create a Pinterest board and find/type copy in ideas.

Every idea that comes to mind.

Word associate, brainstorm, ask your friends what they think of.

Google search. Pinterest search. Stock photo search.

Thursday, February 14, 2019

Thu 2/14 - In-Process Crit

  1. Print out your current progress on your Spring Play Poster
  2. Meet as a group to share/discuss. Seek feedback on:
    1. Response to theme of play
    2. Typography/font choice and pairing
    3. Visual Hierarchy - what do you see first? And then what?
    4. Principles of Design... Unity? Contrast?
  3. In a Google Doc, include a photo of your in-process design type up responses to these questions:
1. What did others like about your approach so far?

2. What advice did they have to continue? Do you think it's valuable? 

3. Which approach was your favorite so far, and what made it that way?

Monday, February 11, 2019

Mon 2/11 - Spring Play Posters

It's the time of year for the spring play, and Mrs Apperson has asked Graphic Design to come up with the poster and publicity for the show!

The play is Romeo & Juliet.

Info for the poster:

Conant High School Presents: Romeo & Juliet
April 12th & 13th
7pm both days, 2pm matinee on the 13th

$5 for students / $7 for adults
(1/2 price discount for students at matinee)


How can you arrange this information successfully?

Themes... Contrasting families? Unity in two lovers finding each other? Traditional colors of red vs blue, or something new?

The chosen design will be printed, and may need to be adjusted for program and other publicity!

What inspiration can you find..?

Friday, February 8, 2019

Fri 2/8 - Pattern Turn In

Patterns done after the two days without me? You need to turn in two versions of your pattern:

1.) A mobile-phone wallpaper sized .png showing the pattern repeating.

2.) A mock-up .jpeg showing the pattern 'in use.'

Monday, February 4, 2019

Mon 2/4 - Seamless Pattern Swatches

This week's goal is to design and apply seamless pattern swatches in Illustrator. Check out the tutorial below, the extra content on Google Drive, and these requirements:

  • 3x3inch pattern
  • Completely seamless on all sides
  • Specific theme with 5+ images/graphics
  • Chosen color scheme
How can you use these patterns? Export your end result as a mobile-phone sized wallpaper.