
Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Tue 5/7 - Poster Inspiration

Where are you taking inspiration from/stealing from for your Philosophy Poster?

Some ideas...
Abduzeedo 1 
 Abduzeedo 2

Monday, May 6, 2019

Mon 5/6 - Remix

Everything is a Remix

Movie Poster Remixes

Shepard Fairey Plagiarizing Before HOPE Posters

Your Assignment:

Communicate a personal philosophy through a poster, directly taking inspiration from or remixing imagery that you feel inspires you. You can remix your old work, combine work together, or create something entirely new.

Make use of quotes, well paired fonts, coordinated color schemes, and attention to figure-ground relationships. 


  • Redo an old project using new tools
  • Change an old project to the style of a different designer
  • Rearrange an old project to copy/imitate the composition of a different design
  • Take pieces of an old project and put them in a new context
  • Combine your Graphic Design work with work from another class (art or otherwise!)